- 來源:撒旦的玩笑
- 作者:不死鳥
- 編輯:ChunTian
修改“我的文檔\My Games\Civilization 4\CivilizationIV.ini”中; Move along
CheatCode = 0
為:; Move along
CheatCode = chipotle
Sound.noMusic - Stop the Music
Sound.reload - Reloads Audio Scripts
Sound.stopSoundScape - Stops Soundscape from playing
Sound.play string fileName - Play Sound - AS2D, AS3D, ASSS
Graphics.FindBlackPlotsAndCities - Finds entities with black emissivity
Graphics.HideAttachables - Hide Attachables.
Graphics.ForceLightingUpdate - Forces a light update on all entities.
Graphics.ReBuildTerrain - Rebuild Terrain and Lighting
Graphics.SetHillScale float scale - set Hill scale
Graphics.SetPeakScale float scale - set Peak scale
Graphics.setWaterHeight float height - set water plane height
Graphics.quadTreeDepth int depth - set render depth for quad tree
Graphics.toggleWater - show/hide water
Graphics.displayTerrain bool bOn - Display terrain
Graphics.toggleGridMode - show/hide grids
Graphics.showTexturePalette - dump texture palette
Graphics.setTextureMode bool bOn - set texturing
Graphics.setWireframe bool bOn - set wireframe
Profile.morphGlobe int count - Morphs the globeview count times.
Profile.rebuildCity int plotX, int plotY, int count - Rebuilds plot at (plotX,plotY) count times.
Profile.rebuildPlot int plotX, int plotY, int count - Rebuilds plot at (plotX,plotY) count times.
Profile.dumpAnimSetPalette - Dumps animation set info to animationset.log
Profile.dumpTexturePalette - Dumps texture info to texture.log
Profile.dumpScenePalette - Dumps scene info to scene.log
Profile.dumpAnimLog - Dumps animation info to anim.log
Profile.setSpikeThreshold int millis - set the min time to capture spikes, 0 to disable spikelock
Console.History - Dump the console command history
Console.CreateDocumentation string fileName - Writes HTML documentation for the current console commands
Console.Clear - Clears the console
Log.status - Displays current logging status
Log.toggle - Toggles logging
Log.clear - Clears the log file
Map.empty - Erases units and cities from map
Map.fill - Fills map with units and cities for performance testing
Map.generateGoodies - Replots Goodies
Map.generateBonuses - Replots Bonuses
Map.generateFeatures - Replots Features
Map.generateRivers - Replots Rivers
Map.eraseGameElements - Erases Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodies
Map.replaceGameElements - Replaces Rivers, Features, Bonuses and Goodie
Map.setActiveLandscapeID int iLandscapeID - Changes the active landscape info
Map.erasePlots - Erases all plots
Xml.reloadGameText - Reloads Game Text xml files
Xml.reloadLandscapeInfo - Reloads Civ4TerrainSettings.xml
Xml.reloadArtDefines - Reloads Civ4ArtDefines.xml
Game.toggleTextureAccessInfo - toggles the output of texture loads/accesses to debug output
Game.AIPlay int iNumTurns - Forces the AI to play for iNumTurns
Game.createSelectedUnitKFs - Creates the sequences associated with the selected unit
Game.freeSelectedUnitKFs - Frees the sequences associated with the selected unit
Game.saveWorldBuilderSave string szWBSaveName - Saves a WorldBuilder save description file
Game.toggleAnimationTest - Will toggle the Animation Test Tool
Game.gfcDirChooser - Will show a gfc directory chooser
Game.gfcfiledlg - Will show a gfc file dlg window
Game.testGFC int iFontNum - Will show a GFC test popup
Game.testFont bool bEnable - Will show a test popup
Game.testPythonPopup - Will show the Python test popup
Game.testPopup - Will show a test popup
Game.scrollBottom - Scroll to the Bottom
Game.scrollTop - Scroll to the Top
Game.clear - Will clear the listbox below
Game.helpScreen - Will display the help popup
Game.toggleDebugMode - Toggles debug mode
Game.showWBPalette bool bCreate - debugging
App.calcFolderChechsum string dirName - Computes an md5 checksum for the directory tree specified
App.setMooseDbg2 int value - sets debugging value
App.setMooseDbg1 int value - sets debugging value
App.takeFullScreenShot - Takes a TGA FULL screen shot in .\ScreenShot. Filenames are sequential. Requires AllowScreenShots=1 in ini.
App.takeScreenShot - Takes a TGA screen shot in .\ScreenShot. Filenames are sequential. Requires AllowScreenShots=1 in ini.
App.setMaxFrameRate float framesPerSec - set the max framerate of the app, 0 to disable
App.setIniFile string groupKey, string key, string value - updates an existing value in the ini file
App.crash - cause the app to crash!
App.getBuildTime - return the application link time
Player.testUnitIter int playerIdx - test player unit iteration
Player.changeGold int playerIdx, int gold - changes a players gold - 0 is Active Player
Player.setGold int playerIdx, int gold - sets a players gold - 0 is Active Player
SHIFT+T 打開金錢和科技菜單
CRTL+D 打開全局菜單(主要是顯示和聲音,適合機(jī)器配置差的人修改顯示類型)
CRTL+Z 打開全地圖,并且驅(qū)除地圖迷霧,顯示所有資源(沒科技支持也顯示)
ALT+D 修改控制者詳細(xì)信息
ALT+Z 改變你所控制的文明
CTRL+W 這個(gè)最牛,可以修改城市,添加單位,修改資源,改變地貌,等等等等
玩家點(diǎn)評 (0人參與,0條評論)